Stress: Friend or Foe (And How to Take Control) In Coral Springs FL?

Though often viewed in a negative light, the 'fight-flight-or-freeze' response is actually our body's built-in survival kit. It helps us face everything from the championship game to that upcoming presentation at work head-on. Contact our Coral Springs FL chiropractic clinic today to learn more.
When we feel stressed, our nervous system releases hormones that jumpstart our 'fight-flight-or-freeze' response. Adrenaline is just one of those hormones-along with noradrenaline and cortisol-and if you're familiar with it, you definitely understand the impact stress can have on the body when it becomes chronic!
Why It Matters
That's when your stress starts managing you. So, while we're well-equipped to handle stress in the short term, it's important to find ways to give our bodies and minds a break. Tension-soothing adjustments are just one way we can help.
The key takeaway here is that stress isn't your enemy. It's a natural part of life and our bodies are more than equipped to handle it. Understanding that can help you shift your perspective on stress and manage it more effectively.
Whether it's through mindfulness practices, regular exercise, or other techniques-adjustments included-you can use the energy that comes with stress to your advantage and take action so it doesn't become chronic.
You're In Good Hands In Coral Springs FL
Until next week, make time for your self-care! Be sure to have your next appointment scheduled, and if you found this helpful, please forward to a friend!
9:00am - 6:30pm
9:00am - 6:30pm
9:00am - 6:30pm
9:00am - 6:30pm
Maan Chiropractic
8100 Royal Palm Boulevard #106
Coral Springs, FL 33065
(954) 225-4007