Can Chiropractic Help With Scoliosis In Coral Springs?

What is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is a spinal deformity that exaggerates the natural curves of the spine.
Many times it will present as a C-shaped curve or an S-shaped curve.
Can Chiropractic Help with Scoliosis: Curves
This will disrupt the musculoskeletal system, creating an uneven balance for the body.
Scoliosis is considered a progressive spinal disorder.
As the body grows, scoliosis has the potential to worsen in pain, symptoms, and functionality.
Termed Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS), this type of scoliosis will often arise around puberty.
Currently, there is no proven cause for why this occurs, although there are many theories.
Regarding gender, AIS has a 49% occurrence in females, 1.44 times higher than the chance of occurrence in males [1].
Other types of scoliosis have a more clear cause, one of which is degenerative scoliosis.
Degenerative scoliosis typically occurs in the elderly and is associated with progressive and uneven degeneration of the spine’s discs, joints, and other vital fragments [2].
The two mentioned above are the most commonly seen types of scoliosis.
However, there are still a few additional rare types, including [3]:
- Early Onset Scoliosis
- Congenital Scoliosis
- Syndromic Scoliosis
- Traumatic Scoliosis
Scoliosis: Diagnosis and Prognosis
Symptoms of scoliosis may vary in severity depending on the degree to which the spine is curved and what muscles or organs it may be affecting.
Common Symptoms of Scoliosis
- Back pain.
- A hump in the mid-back.
- The body is leaning to one side.
- The feeling that one leg is longer than the other, muscle spasms.
- Possible physical deformities.
Although the patient will recognize the most significant symptoms, parents are the first to notice apparent leaning or curving of the body with scoliosis.
If you see any of these sensations, symptoms, or physical deformities in your spine or another’s, asking your doctor is especially important.
Can Chiropractic Help with Scoliosis: Evaluation
Different healthcare specialists diagnose and create care plans to treat scoliosis, including chiropractors, physical therapists, and primary care physicians.
Although testing for scoliosis is relatively easy, scoliosis has the potential to be very tricky when diagnosing.
Scoliosis can be defined by multiple factors, including direction, degree, etiology, and prognosis.
During a visit to the doctor’s office, you will see various tests to determine the different factors.
The second step to determine exact curvature and severity would be getting an x-ray. X-rays of the entire spine are performed to get a comprehensive view of the spine and how it tilts and turns as it goes down the body.
Can Chiropractic Help with Scoliosis: Diagnostics
Once these images are obtained, evaluation of the spine includes measuring out a Cobb Angle that will help determine the prognosis for the patient.
Typically with any patient under 18-20 years of age, the following protocol will take place:
- Cobb Angle of 10-20 degrees = monitor progression; conservative care including physical therapy and chiropractic adjustments.
- Cobb Angle of 20-30 degrees = Conservative care, including physical therapy and chiropractic adjustments with the possibility of a brace.
- Cobb Angle of 30-40 degrees = Conservative care including intensive physical therapy and chiropractic adjustments with the usage of a brace
- Cobb Angle of 40+ degrees: consideration for surgical intervention
Secondary Treatments
Treatments other than chiropractic adjustments and physical therapy include bracing and surgery.
The type of brace most commonly used is the passive or static brace.
These braces are measured to fit the body.
They have been shown to stop the scoliotic curve progression in 80% of adolescents with scoliosis [4].
The second type of bracing is called functional bracing.
Chiropractors most commonly use this method to help slow growth and reduce the degree of the curve.
These braces consist of a weighting system that allows the muscles around the spine to slowly realign by correcting the opposing sides of the spinal muscles.
This prepares the spine to start its migration back to a more normal position.
Surgery is used in extreme cases with a curvature typically over 40-45 degrees or if the curvature affects any organs’ function.
Typically an orthopedic surgeon or neurosurgeon will perform scoliosis surgery to correct the spinal deformation.
Scoliosis surgery involves the spinal fusion with rods and ratcheting system along the spinal curve and attaching it to the spine using two hooks.
Surgery is the option with the most severe side effects, including lack of motion in the spine, increased occurrence of arthritis, and potential for infection or hardware malfunction [5].
Can Chiropractic Help with Scoliosis?
Chiropractic offers an excellent conservative method to treating scoliosis through spinal manipulation or adjustments, flexion and distraction of the spine, massage, and physical therapy designed for each patient’s spine.
Chiropractors Know
All chiropractors have basic training in treating scoliosis.
In fact, there are some places where chiropractors solely treat and focus on correcting scoliosis, which you may be directed to by your primary chiropractor.
For years research has shown a decrease in spinal curvature with chiropractic, especially when treated early.
Not only does it have the ability to decrease the curve and severity of symptoms, but it can provide better overall health for your body.
Recent research conducted a controlled trial on ten adolescent children who were previously diagnosed with scoliosis by their primary care physician.
Can Chiropractic Help with Scoliosis: Results
These ten children received massage, flexion and distraction technique, and spinal manipulation two-three times per week.
At the end of their care, follow-up x-rays were taken.
They showed an average of 21.2% decrease in scoliosis, no deterioration, and increased stability [6].
Adjustments are one of the main tools in a chiropractor’s repertoire and one of the great ways chiropractic can help scoliosis.
There are two different ways chiropractors can use adjusting to assist in scoliosis care: specific or global adjustments.
- Specific adjustments are the type used most often with patients that present with spinal symptoms—moving one bone at a time with precision of timing and motions to assist the nervous system in healing the spine and body.
- Global adjusting is less common and not used as broadly.
- Global adjusting involves moving multiple segments of the spine in one action.
- The primary theory behind this is that what needs to move will adjust if it’s ready.
With two schools of thought, there are many ways to create an effective method and treatment plan in which a patient’s spines can start to heal.
In addition to adjustments, massage and specific exercises are added to help the spine’s flexibility and strength and allow the muscles to move within the correct plane.
Muscle spasms often lead to discomfort for the patient and the lean of the body to one side.
Massage is essential for helping with the flexibility of the forces that usually are experiencing a constant spasm on one side of the body.
Can Chiropractic Help with Scoliosis: Prognosis
Once the muscles have relaxed, then the patient can progress to strengthening both sides of the spine.
Many times these exercises include putting weights on one side of the body to induce isotonic muscle contraction.
The specific muscle contractions help the weaker side play catch up to the stronger side.
Conclusions About Scoliosis and Chiropractic Care
When your child goes to their sports physical, make sure to ask about scoliosis, how it may affect your child, and how chiropractic may help.
Prevention is always a better plan than a reaction to severe scoliosis symptoms.
Science Sources
1. Sahyun S, Hyun Wook C, Hye Sun L, et al. Incidence and Surgery Rate of Idiopathic Scoliosis: a Nationwide Database Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021;18(15):8152. Doi: 10.3390/ijerph18158152.
2. Kotwal S, Pumberger M, Hughes A, et al. Degenerative Scoliosis: A Review.HSS Journal, 2011;7(3). Doi: 10.1007/s11420-011-9204-5.
3. Stitzel C. 7 Types of Scoliosis and their Differences., 2017.
4. American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Scoliosis. 2021.
5. CLEAR Scoliosis Institute. Harrington Rod: Is it Right for Your Scoliosis? 2017.
6. Chun Pu Chu E, Midhun Chakkaravarthy D, Hsu Kai Huang K, et al. Changes in Radiographic Parameters Following Chiropractic Treatment in 10 Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: a Retrospective Chart Review. Clinics and Practice, 2020;10(3):1258. Doi: 10.4081/cp.2020.1258.
9:00am - 6:30pm
9:00am - 6:30pm
9:00am - 6:30pm
9:00am - 6:30pm
Maan Chiropractic
8100 Royal Palm Boulevard #106
Coral Springs, FL 33065
(954) 225-4007